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Privacy policy

Privacy Policy

Moba is a registered trademark owned by Batteries For People, a Société à Actions Simplifiée (simplified joint stock company), whose registered office is at 21 place de la République, Paris 75003 and registered with the R.C.S. of Paris under SIRET number 85003249100019. Code APE 7120B. VAT n°FR77850032491.

Batteries For People attaches great importance to the respect of your privacy, to the protection of your personal data (“personal data”) and to the way in which it is used. Batteries For People, through its Moba brand and its Moba App & Moba Certify Pro mobile application, offers various services for electric vehicle owners and drivers. To do so, Batteries For People collects some of your personal data via its website (“Website”), and via its mobile application Moba App (“Application”) (collectively referred to hereinafter as “Services”). When you use our Services, you entrust us with some of your personal data, and we are aware of how important this is.

The purpose of these Privacy Rules is to inform you of our personal data privacy policy, in accordance with the European Data Protection Regulation (RGPD). You will find an exhaustive list of the personal data we collect, how Batteries For People uses it and how you can access, update, manage and delete it from our servers.

This Privacy Policy is part of the general terms and conditions of use of the Services offered by Batteries For People. Your use of the Services is conditional upon your acceptance of the Terms and Conditions of Use, the Privacy Policy and the Terms and Conditions of Sale.

The term “personal data” refers to information that you agree to transmit to us and that makes it possible to identify you personally, including your name, address, billing address or vehicle and traction battery information and, in some cases, your geolocation, or other data that may reasonably be associated with such information.

You can choose which personal information you agree to provide to us and which you do not in the application settings.

If you have any questions about the collection and/or use of your personal data, please contact us at

Personal account and access to Services :

Website :

The creation of a personal account is mandatory only for the purchase of physical or digital products on our Website.

When you make your first online purchase on our Website, a personal account is automatically created. A set of Personal Data is then collected, enabling us to process your order. Your Last Name, First Name, Postal Address, E-mail Address and Telephone Number are collected in order to ship your physical products, and to issue an invoice for your purchases of physical or digital products.

You may delete your personal information at any time by contacting us by e-mail at, but if an order has not been completed by the time your data is deleted, you will not be able to receive your product(s). When your account is deleted, either by you or by Batteries For People (see Terms & Conditions), your personal data will be automatically deleted.

This personal account also makes it easier for you to order other physical or digital products from our website.


You do not need to create a personal account to use Moba App services. A Visitor mode allows you to access Moba App services.

The creation of a personal account enables us to keep your identity in our server, and thus to keep the history of your usage data or your battery health certificates. You can retrieve your account and data history from any smartphone or tablet, simply by logging into the Moba App.

In Visitor mode, the history of your usage data and battery certificates will be lost if you log in to an existing personal account.

To use Moba Certify Pro, on the other hand, you need a personal account. This account is created from the Moba Certify Pro web service.

Personal data:

This section contains an exhaustive list of the personal data we collect.

Batteries For People collects this data in order to provide its Services.

Information you create or provide:

Account information: This is the information requested when creating an account, should you decide to do so. It includes your first name, last name, e-mail address, telephone number, billing address and delivery address. Incorrect, incomplete or outdated information may make it impossible to access the Services or to deliver your physical or digital products.

Ordering information: When you order certain physical or digital products, you must provide information about your vehicle: make, model, version. This information enables us to ensure that your vehicle is compatible with our Services. Incorrect, incomplete or out-of-date information may make it impossible to access the Services or deliver your battery certificate.

Information we collect when you use our Services, and why we collect it:

Information collected when using Moba App: when you use Moba App, certain data is collected:

  • Your electric vehicle(s) and their options: the Make, Model and Version of your electric vehicle(s), as well as the various associated charging options (AC, DC and charging cables).
  • Departure and destination addresses: when you enter a departure or destination address when planning a trip, this address is saved and then proposed to you in your search history.
  • Your geolocation: your geolocation is used to launch a trip from your current position. Your geolocation is also collected at regular intervals (a few seconds) when you track your journeys. This enables us to recalculate your estimated state of charge on arrival in real time, and adapt your planning accordingly. Your geolocation is also collected in “background”, when tracking your journeys, so as to send you notifications during your trips, if you use a navigation application alongside Moba App, such as Google Maps or Waze.

Information collected when you connect Moba Connect: When you connect the Moba Connect box to your vehicle, certain personal data is collected:

  • The serial number (VIN) of your vehicle, to identify the vehicle and associate it with the correct diagnostic data. The VIN number can also be used to check that you’re on the right vehicle, to reduce connection or diagnostic bugs.
  • Your battery’s state of health (SOH), so that it can be returned to you.
  • Your vehicle’s state of charge (SOC), in order to return it to you. When following a journey with the Moba Connect box, your vehicle’s state of charge (SOC) is collected at regular intervals (a few seconds) to accurately update the state of charge on arrival, and improve Batteries For People’s consumption prediction algorithms.

Information collected when you make a Battery Certificate: when you make a Battery Certificate, certain personal data is collected:

  • The same data collected when connecting to Moba Connect.
  • Your vehicle’s mileage, as shown on the battery certificate.
  • Your geolocation at the time of diagnosis, together with the time of diagnosis, shown on the battery certificate.

Information collected when using Moba Certify Pro: When you use Moba Certify Pro, certain data is collected:

Your geolocation at the time of diagnosis, associated with the time of diagnosis, present on the battery certificate.


Additional reasons why Batteries For People, via Moba App, collects your personal data


Maintain and improve our services

Moba’s main objectives are to :

  • to develop its expertise in the ageing of traction batteries, in order to offer you Services that are ever closer to your expectations. For example, we collect your vehicle’s registration date, your geolocation and the date of diagnosis, to better understand the link between a vehicle’s use and age, and the condition of its battery.
  • improve the accuracy of our consumption models. For example, when you drive with Moba Connect, your actual fuel consumption is measured throughout the journey. We can then compare our consumption prediction with your vehicle’s actual consumption, and better understand the sources of error between model and reality.

Providing personalized services and communicating with you

The information we collect enables us to provide you with a more efficient and effective customer service. It also enables us to contact you, for example to remind you to carry out your diagnosis or return the loaned box.

Sharing your information

Batteries For People does not sell, rent or lease your personal information to third parties.

Batteries For People does not share your personal information with others without your permission, except for the following purposes and to the extent necessary at Batteries For People’s discretion exercised in good faith:

  • In the event that Batteries For People believes that you are in violation of the Terms of Use or Sale, Batteries For People may share your information with any law enforcement agency or competent authority, as well as with third parties who may need to deal with the consequences of any wrongdoing on your part,
  • If Batteries For People believes that sharing or disclosing your personal information is required by law, in the event of a dispute, legal proceeding or litigation between you and Batteries For People,
  • If Batteries For People believes that disclosing your personal information is necessary to protect the rights, property or safety of Batteries For People, its customers or the public,
  • If Batteries For People reasonably believes that you are in violation of the law,
  • Batteries For People may also share your information with companies related to or affiliated with Batteries For
  • People, such as its subsidiaries, sister companies and parent companies,
  • To collect, store, hold, and manage your personal information via servers based or hosted in the cloud, or via a third party or party affiliated or related to Batteries For People, which may be located in Europe or the United States,
  • We also work with measurement providers, enabling us to better understand how our customers and users interact with our Services,
  • Personal information may also be shared with Batteries For People’s trusted suppliers or partners so that they may process it on our behalf, based on our requests and instructions, in accordance with these Rules.


Controlling your personal information

To access your personal information or request that it be deleted, please contact us at

Data collected with Moba App:

At your request, to be sent by email to, all personal data collected via Moba App will be deleted within 14 days.

Data collected with Moba Certify Pro:

At your request, to be sent by e-mail to, we will discuss with your company and the various people in charge the possibility of deleting all or part of your personal data. To delete certain personal data, such as the time and place associated with a battery certificate, it may be necessary to delete the certificate in question. In this case, validation is required with your company’s Moba Certify Pro administrators.

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