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Diagnosing Electric Vehicle Batteries with Moba Certify Pro: Focus on the Second Page of our Certificate

Between 2018 and 2023, the number of new electric vehicles sold increased eightfold. This strong growth naturally leads to the emergence of a significant used EV market, estimated at 800,000 vehicles in 2023 in Europe. Consequently, the demand for a battery certificate, which provides essential transparency on the battery’s health status, is becoming increasingly important.

In this context, Moba Certify Pro, the world’s leading solution for large-scale diagnostics of used EV batteries, has been supporting the main players in automotive remarketing for 4 years.

Since 2020, Moba has been providing a battery certificate in the form of a one-page digital document, which clearly and consistently presents key information from the battery diagnosis for each vehicle. This first page highlights:

  • The diagnosed vehicle, particularly its version, which is essential information for the customer but sometimes difficult to access;
  • The battery’s State of Health (SOH) as calculated by the manufacturer, in accordance with the first international battery diagnostic standard (Battery Health Check CARA Approved);
  • The manufacturer’s battery warranty and its general conditions;
  • The actual ranges of the electric vehicle, taking into account the battery’s condition, calculated using Moba’s consumption model based on WLTP cycles, under various driving and weather conditions.

Innovation being at the core of the start-up’s DNA, Moba is introducing a second page to its battery certificate in 2024. This new page presents complementary data from the battery diagnosis, aiming to provide even more information to the end customer when purchasing a used electric vehicle.

However, the second page of the certificate remains optional. We understand that our professional clients might prefer a concise document focused on the main battery information to avoid making the information too complex during resale. Therefore, we offer the free option to disable this second page at the client’s request.

This article presents the information provided by this new page and their significance.

Additional Data

The second page of the Moba certificate provides additional data from the battery diagnosis not included on the first page. It is important to note that the nature of this data can vary from one electrified model to another.

These additional data can be grouped into four categories:

  • High Voltage Battery
  • Range
  • Diagnostic Conditions
  • Other

High Voltage Battery

The second page of the Moba certificate provides the following data:

  • BMS Software version
  • Pack voltage
  • Maximum cell voltage difference 
  • Cell with the highest voltage
  • Cell with the lowest voltage
  • Maximum temperature difference of modules
  • Pack temperature
  • Peak current measured during diagnosis

These detailed high voltage battery information provide a more precise view of its health, complementing the SOH measurement.


The report also provides information on the vehicle’s range:

  • WLTP new in mixed cycle 
  • WLTP used in mixed cycle 

The WLTP (Worldwide Harmonized Light Vehicles Test Procedure) range is a standard that estimats the distance an electric vehicle can travel on a full charge under reference conditions.

Using algorithms that finely model the energy consumption of electric vehicles, Moba provides an estimate of the used WLTP range, which is the maximum distance the vehicle could travel considering its current battery condition, under the same reference conditions as the WLTP cycle. The resulting range difference offers a more concrete interpretation of the battery degradation.

Diagnostic Conditions

The conditions under which the diagnosis was performed can reassure the end customer about the test’s accuracy and quality:

  • Diagnostic location (City, Country)
  • Outside temperature (measured or estimated)
  • Diagnostic duration
  • State of Charge (SOC) measured during diagnosis

The extremely short diagnostic time, averaging 1 minute, also demonstrates the operational efficiency of Moba Certify Pro.


The introduction of a second page of additional data in the Moba certificate represents a significant advancement for electric vehicle battery diagnostics. Moba thus marks another milestone in its development, offering the most powerful battery diagnostic solution on the market.